June 8 eNews


Dear friends and neighbours,

On Tuesday, June 14, 2022, there will be a community meeting for 1865-1885 Weston Road from 7:00 pm – 8:30 pm. The City Planning Division has received an Official Plan and Zoning By-law Amendment application to permit the development of two mixed-use buildings, 28 and 38 storeys in height, that would be connected by a shared three-storey podium building at the lands municipally known as 1865, 1871, 1879 and 1885 Weston Road. The proposed buildings would contain 538 dwelling units, 1,250 m² of retail space, 3,230 m² of community space, and four levels of below-grade parking. The existing former bank building at 1871 Weston Road would be retained and integrated with the podium building. The existing church building at 1885 Weston Road is proposed to be relocated to the southeast corner of the site and would be repurposed to contain retail uses. Those interested in participating may do so by visiting the following website for phone and virtual details: http://www.toronto.ca/CPconsultations. For more information on the application, please refer to the contact information below or view the website at: https://www.toronto.ca/1871WestonRd.



New: Lane Reductions on Eglinton Avenue West Between Weston Road & Black Creek Drive for Landscaping Works


Filming Notices